Otaku Coffee Lab coffee recipe manga illustrating how to make Yuen Yeung Coffee Milk Tea


Otaku Coffee Lab coffee recipe manga illustrating how to make yuen yeung coffee milk tea part two


Step into any Hong Kong Cafe and 4 drinks are consistently on tap and ready to be ordered. 

Feeling something light and bright? Have yourself an Iced Lemon Tea. Want something more wholesome? Order up a milk tea. Didn’t get enough sleep? No problem, ask for a coffee. 

Lastly, if you can’t decide whether or not you want coffee or tea, get yourself something called a Yuen Yeung Coffee Milk Tea!

The Yuen Yeung is a unique drink that combines both coffee and tea together. When you take your first sip, the beverage taste like you’re drinking a milk tea, but as you swallow the drink, the coffee aromas come out and you taste the coffee in your throat. It’s the best of both worlds!

This special concoction was invented in Hong Kong back in 1952 at an outdoor food stall called Lan Fong Yuen. The drink’s name, “Yuen Yeung”, comes from the Cantonese pronunciation of Mandarin Ducks. These unique ducks are known to be loyal to their mating partners for the entirety of their lives. Their loyalty towards ones another is a symbol of harmony and just like coffee and tea, the unlikely combination of these two drinks presents a well balanced flavor that is quite surprising.


 What you’ll need

1 Cup of Coffee (300 ml)

2 Ceylon Tea Bags

1 Cup of Water (350 ml)

1/4 Evaporated Milk

Sweetened Condensed Milk to Taste

Yuen Yeung Recipe


Our Yuen Yeung Coffee Milk Tea Recipe

1. Brew a 300g cup of coffee. Note: We recommend a drip coffee that has a bigger body like our Colombia Huila El Bombo. Feel free to use any method to brew your drip coffee. For beginners, feel free to use our Hario V60 Brew Guide
    2. Bring 350g of water to a boil and let 2 Ceylon tea bags steep inside for 10 minutes. Make sure that the tea is REALLY DARK in color. After 10 minutes, you should be left with around 300g of actual tea as some of the water has probably evaporated.
      3. Add 1/4 cup of evaporated milk into your brewed tea.
        4. Now that you have both your coffee and milk tea prepared, pour the two drinks together and mix. While the beverage is still hot, add in 3 tsps of condensed milk for sweetness. Feel free to add more or less of the condensed milk based on your preference of taste.
          5. Enjoy the perfect combination of a coffee and tea. The Yuen Yeung coffee milk tea!